Barbra Homier- Michigan Divorce Attorney

A smarter, better, more effective way for couples to separate, while keeping their family together.

Homier Family Law offers innovative divorce solutions to couples in West Michigan who are ready for a new beginning.


Focusing on creative, cost-effective divorce solutions including mediation, cooperative and collaborative divorce since 2003.

At Homier Law, Barbra Homier applies over 20 years of experience as a family attorney, helping individuals divorce smarter, better and more effectively through proven conflict resolution techniques and technology.  Preserve your wealth and your relationship by avoiding the high cost of litigation. 


Areas of Practice

Collaborative Divorce


The collaborative process can be applied to all types of family law disputes, but most often it is applied in divorce. This process is an alternative process to resolve your family law matters outside of court with the help of a specialized team of collaboratively trained professionals.

Divorce Mediation


Mediation is a confidential process where an experienced family law attorney helps parties reach a settlement.

Barbra recommends this process for couples who are generally in agreement, but may need different options for division of their assets and debts, parenting time plans, and support.

Traditional Divorce and Post-Judgment Matters


A Traditional Divorce is initiated with the filing of a Complaint for Divorce. The Court’s scheduling orders determine the process. Although many litigated divorce matters can often be described as “high conflict” many cases can still be resolved without hearings and a trial with careful, strategic planning by your attorney.

Post-judgment (meaning you are already divorced) child support, parenting time, and custody disputes are initiated by filing a Motion with the Court. Similar to Traditional Divorce, the Court’s scheduling orders guide the process.


“My divorce was difficult, and dark. It would have been unbearable without the guidance, expertise and kindness of Barbra Homier. Barbra did everything perfectly when faced with impossible situations.

She is superb, and became a dear friend and the best Coach I’ve ever had.

My advice to anyone going through what I/we endured, ‘buckle up’ and know you have the equivalent of a legal Lombardi standing by your side, every step of the way.”