The most cost-effective way to resolve you divorce matter.

Divorce mediation is ideal particularly when the issues in dispute are not complex and cost is a concern. 

Divorce Mediation in Michigan

Couples often divorce mediation to resolve their divorce when they have concerns about the financial resources needed for traditional, litigated divorce or collaborative divorce or they are generally agreeable on most issues, but need help with the details of exactly how to resolve all disputed issues in their divorce (property, debts, child-related issues).

Mediation is a confidential process where an experienced family law attorney helps parties reach a settlement.  Mediation can occur before a divorce action has been initiated with the court, or more often than not, it occurs shortly after a divorce has begun.   

Barbra offers a reasonable Flat Fee for 1 mediation session and a guide to help you and your partner collect the information needed for that session to be as productive as possible. You will need to do some homework in preparation for this process. The best aspect of this form of divorce is that it is cost-effective, and when it is concluded, you will have a comprehensive settlement agreement that you can then use to finalize your divorce on your own, or with minimal assistance from a family law attorney. For couples who have young children and are struggling with communication and the emotional aspects of their relationship, collaborative divorce is generally the preferred process.


The process is confidential. The information shared during the process cannot be used later in a litigation proceeding.


Sometimes, parties are represented by their attorneys who attend the mediation session. In other instances, parties are not represented. Mediation can take place before a divorce action or during the divorce itself.


Mediation sessions are usually between 3 and 6 hours in length. The Flat Fee Mediation Package offered at Homier Law is recommended.


Barbra offers an hourly fee option for divorce mediation in Michigan.


Hourly Fee and Retainer

An hourly fee option, with a retainer, is also available for parties that are represented by counsel and are participating as part of their litigated family law matter.

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