Fostering respectful and open communication.
Guided by respectful communication, a collaborative approach serves to help participants work together for their families both during and after the process has concluded.
Collaborative Divorce in Michigan
The collaborative divorce process is selected by couples who want to limit the damage to their children as a result of the divorce. These couples want the opportunity to separate in the healthiest, least damaging way possible. This is achieved through the collaborative divorce process itself which provides tools for participants to learn to communicate better and respectfully — unlike adversarial divorce litigation.
The process streamlines your divorce by using neutral experts to help couples divorce in a smart way. Rather than attorneys directing all aspects of your divorce, the process is guided by a team of professionals with different types of expertise (legal, mental health, financial) who are all focused on a successful settlement. The type of professionals involved in your collaborative matter will vary and is customized to the specific issues that require resolution in your family law matter. This process is essentially “conscious uncoupling” which is best exemplified by the divorce of Gwenyth Paltrow and Chris Martin.
The collaborative process begins with each party being represented by a collaboratively trained attorney. From there, the attorneys assist you in determining whether a divorce coach or coaches (usually mental health professionals or family law mediators) will be needed, a child specialist, a financial specialist, and/or a business valuation expert. The parties and the collaborative professionals are all bound by a Collaborative Participation Agreement which sets the rules for your collaborative family law matter.
The key thing to remember is that the professionals involved CANNOT represent you in a litigation proceeding if the participants cannot reach an agreement in the collaborative process. This is the fundamental component of the collaborative process. You are assured that the participants are committed to settlement, rather than protracted litigation process that more often than not benefits the attorneys — not families.
The process is confidential. The information shared during the process cannot be used later in a litigation proceeding.
The process provides for creative resolutions guided by experienced professionals. These professionals focus on “needs based negotiation” and delve into what is motivating each participant in the process.
The process takes place in the privacy of one of the professional’s offices. It does not occur in court.
Barbra offers an hourly fee for collaborative cases.
Hourly Fee and Retainer
Because every marriage is unique, so is the divorce. Some couples are able to resolve their divorce in one or two sessions. Others require more time and effort. A retainer (ranging between $1,500 and $3,500 depending upon the circumstances of your case) is required to begin representation. Legal services and costs are billed against your retainer. Once your retainer is exhausted, you will be required to pay your bill in full within 15 days of each monthly invoice.